It truely is amazing they haven't butchered this great hole by adding a bunker left, on the outside of the dogleg, yet.
The centerline nasties, that exist on this hole, are the crescendo of cross carries, which is Pebble Beach.
The bunker at the elbow of the leg, is one of the most severe,on the course, or anywhere. I'm assuming it's similar to some of those nasty ones at TOC, since if found, going for the green is usually ill-advised.
The green fronting bunker complex is a massive thing, serpentining to and fro.
The little hillock, just right of the green, likely had a much larger role in the playing of this hole, until the uber irrigation, standard maintenance mindset took over.
Andy, You are not alone in mis-judging the approach. Notoriously, the shot requires a little extra yardage,(into prevailing) to acheive the perfect distance, BUT, the downhill nature of one's lie, usually provides for it.