Hey, Tommy, in defense of the footprint (not that Jeff really needs defending) you probably wouldn't guess it was a footprint from the ground level. It just looks like a collection of bunkers placed in a strategic spot at the left corner of a slight dogleg left hole -- a nice challenge to test your length off the tee if you're so inclined to try to cut the dogleg.
From the air, it's a footprint. But who sees courses from the air, except when you're thumbing through the promotional brochure?
Some months ago there was a thread about A Sense of Humor in Golf Course Architecture, and few examples could be found (outside of Desmond Muirhead, who's a little too funny for my tastes.) I love classical design as much as anyone, and I'm not saying every course needs a footprint, but the one I know of doesn't spoil the course in the slightest, and perhaps even adds a smile for some players.
I believe Jeff said he wanted to do another footprint at Giant's Ridge to make it look (from the air) as though the giant had walked across the course. I wish he had.