From what I've seen of Fazio, given he has the opportunity and also the ability to build anything in so many cases, is he tends too much towards concavity in his architecture---at least in most playable areas. That doesn't mean he doesn't use slope on its own (not necessarily concavity). The issue is he doesn't use convexity in enough of his playable areas, at least not in what would be some interesting parts of playable areas. Some of the more interesting natural landform holes that use it like PVGC's #4, or #8 or Merion's #11, #16, #18, GMGC's #18 or NGLA's #s, oh never mind!
Oh sorry, I forgot, most any type of blindness is out in Fazio's era and in his repetoire because he claims golfers don't like it and won't accept it! That sort of voluntary limiting over a long and high production career eventually shows if you're capable of altering landforms as much and as often as Tom has. He should use more convexity in important playable areas and he'd be an even more complete architect, in my book. After all, it's one of the ways of Nature.