Thanks for those thoughts; that's the kind of stuff I'm looking for exactly. I'd appreciate any other thoughts that occur to you.
Trust me when I tell you that this isn't whining about tough pins or my score. I'm not willing to tell the entire story, but suffice it to say that my concern is to find a constructive way to be, on the one hand, critical of what we had last Sunday, and on the other, offer an alternative.
I will tell you that I have played over 800 rounds on the golf course, and there were 4 pins I have NEVER seen. One pin was recut before play started, one was changed DURING play (done between flights to more or less be fair), and one was puttable ONLY from off the green. That's 7 of the 18, if that gives you a flavor! Just take my word for that part, and don't tell me that you think it should be tough, etc. So do I! This was something else entirely; it was sloppy, lazy, etc., but I'm trying to help.
If you have suggestions or thoughts about how people who are good at course setup go about it, I'd REALLY, REALLY, REALLY appreciate the help! If you want to tell me that you think its "the same for everyone" or other such banalities, without having ever seen the course, much less the setup I'm talking about, then wait for another thread.