Don't hold your breath wating for the "architectural bug" to hit the UK. If it does, it will be likely that Fazio-Rees School will be the main beneficiary.
Tom and Paul
Good questions re: the history of revetting. My recollection is that when I first visited Scotland in 1978, most bunkers were "sodded" in only a token sense. This recollection is reinforced by both my old (1976) copy of World Atlas of Golf, which shows only one revetted bunker (a pretty mangy one at Lytham) and my collection of photos from (mostly) Dornoch at around that time. My more recent recollection is that the revetting movement really began to take hold in the latter half of the 1980's. I think it was due to a number of factors, particularly:
1. Prior to that time most maintenance, even at the "top" courses, was done by one man and his dog (or maybe a couple of the village idiots). There just wasn't enough manpower or money to have more than a perfunctory programme of bunker resotration.
2. Until that time, there was not that much play on these courses, and so annual damage to bunker faces and edges was relatively minimal and could be repaired at leisure during the mwinter months.
3. Until then, there was not that much demand for courses (and their bunkers) to "look good." Two things changed this. Firstly, the increasing number of visitors (largely American), who were conditioned to greater aestheitc beauty (the Augusta Syndrome). Secondly, the increasing visits of UK golfers to places like Spain and Florida, where they experienced more highly manicured courses, and THEY LIKED IT!
4. And most importantly, the revetting of bunkers faces is the best long term solution for keeping their shape and playability. Now that most UK courses have sufficient manpower and budgets to do so, on a planned roll out basis, they do.
I don't think we'll see any plantings of hairy edges at othe courses than RCD. It's their thang, and it works for them. However, Tom, I really don't think that their bunkering would be seen by any group other than the MacKenzie Tendency of this extremist clique we call GCA as being "considered numero uno in Europe." Top 20 maybe, if one were to believe in such ratings, but not much better......