Regarding this exchange:
"Tom Huckaby said;
"I'm not sure if I WANT to think of Bobby Jones as anything but a golfing god. Perhaps that makes no sense, perhaps it does..."
That makes some sense I guess because so many people are inclined to that sort of thing with Jones but for such as us on here who should be far more into historical accuracy it's not advisable, in my opinion."
My point is that I'm certainly very naive, but not so naive to think that anyone is perfect - as Bob says. Everyone has faults, even a golfing god such as Bobby Jones. But dammit, he is a hero. Has been for a long time. Does the interest of historical accuracy REALLY require that we dig and dig and dig until we find dark secrets, and tarnish the memory of the man for those who would consider him a hero?
Can't we let some dead heroes lie in peace?
Look, Bobby Jones was a southern man of an era where race relations were certainly different than they are now. I'd be shocked if he didn't utter the word nigger many times in his life. But everything I've read would lead me to believe he was more progressive in these matters than most of his ilk... Do I really need someone to dig out quotes where he said that despicable word, for example?
The same goes for depression. Hell, the latter part of his life had to be pretty damn difficult given the slow-moving but inexorable disease... But most of what I've read has been about the heroic way he faced it. Do I really need to read that he wasn't as heroic as these stories imply? That he was after all human?
I for one don't need that. I KNOW he was human. I'd be surprised if he didn't have bouts of depression. The only worth I can see of this is that if it were true, perhaps it would help some people to see mental illness as just that, an illness, and it might help to de-stigmatize this. But is this potential gain worth putting every aspect of the man's life under the microscope?
Because to me, if there are darker secrets than this, well... to me it seems such are best left unexposed. Historical accuracy is one thing, but absolute disclosure of every facet of one's life... well, who not named Christ could be perfect under that type of scrutiny? What gain does it give?
Nope, allow me to bury my head in the sand. I like the image I have of Bobby Jones now - and that is as a golfing god, who overcame human frailties and suffered a tragic degeneration with dignity. A man who counseled Mr. Paul so well with young Tommy looking on... A man who gave one of the great orations of modern times that famous time at St. Andrews... a man who damn well did effect the single greatest achievement in the modern history of sports, in his grand slam. I'm sure he had faults, and perhaps there are dark secrets. But I'm very fine with leaving that in the grave with the great man.