What is the best University course to do?
Probably the most direct route is attend any of about 40 landscape architecture programs in the U.S. Is one better than another? Well, Ivy League has always been quite respected. RTJ, Doak and Hanse all attended Cornell.
Additionally, a couple of blokes around here (B. Phillips, Fat Baldy Drummer) attended Herriot Watt's MsC program in Edinburgh, Scotland. The only bona fide program exclusively for gca I am aware of in the world.
Is there any GCA Scholarships?
Not that I am aware of, per se. But I am sure the right person could parlay a scholarship into an internship or travel abroad. Both Doak and Hanse won one to facilitate their travels to the mother land.
Is there any non-Univercity routes into the Job?
Sure. Be rich and design your own course. From there it all flows downhill, if the course is good. Mike Strantz, for example, built courses for a number of years before Fazio recognized his talent and brought him on board as a design associate. A top-notch, smart and dedicated construction guy can get into design, for sure. The relationship between design and construction is so integral to quality final products that often times these kind of guys are the best. Any wonder Doak and Hanse both know how to operate heavy equipment? It's not a coincidence.
How many GCA is there?
worldwide? I would guess less than 500
How many GCA company is there?
There are design firms and there are golf course construction companies. In the U.S.? Probably about 100-200 of each.
What does the pay start at and what is the pay scale?
If this matters to you then you are looking into the wrong kind of work. I'd design my first course for free. This is such a competitive business, Matt, you will do whatever you can to even get a sniff from someone. Of course, at the top it is VERY lucrative. Jack N. and Fazio charge in the millions PER JOB.
What is the chances of getting work?
Probably less likely than you curing cancer, finding Osama bin Laden or winning the powerball. About as likely as making it in the big leagues, going on tour or long jumping 25'
What can GCAs do if there is no work?
Write books. Play golf for a living. Some gcas are golf professionals. Some could/are greenskeepers. Some don't need to worry about it, they are rich!
Is it true that demand for GCA will go down?
Who knows?