I want to give a little comparison here between the originals and the replicas because I think the replicas might be getting an unfair rap. The Tad Moore Star OAs are a very popular replica set. I have a set of those from when I got into the hickory game and also the Macgregor OAs that they are modeled after. Tad has different sets, but he created this one after a very playable set of Macgregors that had flanges to fit the American golf courses with their lusher, irrigated turf. So these are easier to play than a lot of the earlier clubs because those were more suited to the UK turf conditions. Macgregor made the first flanged OAs in about 1918 and they were popular with American players during the golf boom.
Here is a side by side comparison of the Mashie (35 deg loft- like a 7i) and the Mid Iron (24 deg loft, like a 4i).
Original mid iron/ Replica mid iron and Original mashie/ Replica mashie
Original Mid-Iron/ Replica Mid-Iron
Replicas Mashie/ Original Mashie
Mashies on top, Mid-Irons on bottom (I recently stripped the chrome off the originals and they haven't rusted yet because I haven't played with them, so they look a little strange right now)
Here is what a modern 56 degree SW looks like next to an original Spalding flanged niblick from the hickory era. The original has 54 degrees of loft.
As easy as all of these clubs appear, I still think that I play better with the thinner sole and higher CG Tom Stewart style irons. I find the Macgregor OAs to be a bit clunky feeling and the ball balloons much more in the wind.