This is turning nasty. It's probably best to refrain from accusing people of using drugs without first hand knowledge and for very good reasons. Hopefully Ran shuts this thread down.
No nastiness intended on my part, and I don't think I've "accused", though I'm not necessarily opposed to doing that in this case.
What I have said is that I've never seen anybody do to their body what BDC has done to his IN THE TIME FRAME he's done it, thru any form of weight training and diet alone. I've seen lots of athletes put on 20 lbs of muscle in a year, usually between their freshman and sophomore years of college under the direct supervision of a strength coach and as part of the growth process for that age, and occasionally you see such athletes gain up to 40 lbs during their college career, though that is rare AND represents a much smaller percentage of their body weight than we are talking about with BDC, in addition to a completely different stage of life and time frame.
I also do NOT accept that he (and/or his trainer) possesses a knowledge base that others do not, nor that he possesses a work ethic that other do not.
I also believe that BDC has shown himself to be willing to at the very least play fast and loose with the Rules of Golf, (to wit, his intentional use of putter that was later ruled to be non-conforming) and I hold the personal belief that this sort of behavior isn't a light switch that one turns on and off. To paraphrase Maya Angelou, when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
If all of that amounts to an accusation, I'm ok with that. But it's just as reasonable, IMO, to speculate in that direction as any other, given the history of PEDs in athletics over the last 20 years or so, combined with what are, at best, pretty incredible results both in body change and driving distance.