I could probably give you dozens of examples, based on just my limited playing experience.
One of my bugaboos, when supers end the fw cut because they don't want to (or have the mower to) mow the approach area up to the green, leaving it as rough and eliminating the ground game. And others use the collar or fringe mower and make one pass out and back in and leave it about 2 mowing passes, about10 feet wide, rather than mow them all the way out the the bunkers (perhaps leaving one strip of rough, if that is their style).
Hard to believe it could save that much mowing, and even if it does, that this critical area would be the place to skimp. Probably one of the worst ways an indifferent (or just understaffed, to be charitable) super has a negative impact on design intent. Not to change the intent of your thread, but others are letting greens shrink, simplifying bunker shape (although this is aesthetic, not playability). Could probably think of others if I tried.