No way could I have changed the itin for the entire 12-man crew to do that CB tourney - they wouldn't have wanted to do it. For the vast majority of the group this is a "notch" trip, that is, putting notches on the belt for great courses they can brag about back home. That's just the reality of it. These are my dear friends and I don't hold anything against them for this - we're gonna have a blast. The pub time will likely be better than the on-course time, and the on-course time ought to be legendary. We do have very fun matches.
And alas and alack, although I'd love to do the CB tourney myself without those blokes or maybe conning one right-minded one into joining me (he's a lurker here, he's gonna read this), I can't see a way to extend this trip any farther and remain an anatomically fully-equipped male, unfortunately. I told my wife initially, way back a year plus ago when planning started that this would be a Sun-Sat thing... that is, leave Sun, return Sat... and I've stretched it to the breaking point already by taking it to what it is now - leave Thu, return the following Sun (so 9 days plus gone from home). The only reason she is speaking to me these days is because the trip hasn't been talked about for months and I think she's forgotten about it.
That CB tourney does sound like a hell of a lot of fun though.... but here's the question: if I'm gonna put my privates at risk, shouldn't I go to Machrihanish? I've played CB several times already and although it is one of my favorite courses on this earth, and I'd love to see the changes, well... I've never been to Machrihanish....
I would be interested in any and all advice on that.