Here's a related thread from a little while ago -,62512.0.html - which includes some comments from Rhydian Lewis, one of the chaps who developed the process.
Seems to be a process that's getting more and more popular. The modern day version of sleepers?
Top edge tie-in is sometimes mentioned as an issue particularly given that top edges of bunkers tend to dry out in the summer but then again isn't there now micro-irrigation to drip feed water to such dry spots?
As to the look, after a while as sand accumulates on the faces and tufts of grass etc begin to grow the use of duro/eco becomes less obvious - not sure most 'non-enthusiasts' would even notice anyway - although I can't imagine that the sometimes used technique of using a burner gun to clean-up revetted faces would be such a good idea with the eco/dura process!!
Be interesting to hear the comments of folks who's been maintaining eco/dura for a while.
I wonder when there'll be an eco/dura version to edge the exposed open sandy areas that have become more and more common?
PS - I also wonder how long it will be before bunkers can come in pre-fabricated form, bit like a pre-molded garden fish pond, ordered from an online catalogue, delivered on a truck and dropped into place. With built in drainage and irrigation points. Even 'shelves' to place the eco/duro on, if it's not factory installed already. "I'll have one number 3, three number 5's and two number 9's please". Dan Dare time or not?