Interesting article, that just happens to use Lebron as cannon fodder too!
But this writer claims the rule has always been two steps. Also explains why as a defender its so brutal trying to guard someone when they're allowed that 3rd step.
Kalen, it's not just the extra step-it's dribbling too.
When the person you're defending appears to pick up his dribble (has his hand under the ball) and you committ, and then he dribbles again.
They used to call 98 % of the dribbling you see now carrying .
as if basketball needs MORE offense.
Agreed Jeff,
No way they was getting away with that stuff back in the day, and Kevin Durant probably exploits this the most. We would whistle a guy for doing that just once coming up the its pretty much every dribble they hesitate and carry.
While we're at it, we can't forget:
3 in the key - Almost never call this now.
Lane Violations on free throw shots - We were always very strict on this.
5 second rule - Where if you were settled in the half court, you only had 5 seconds to do something with the ball.
Giving the defender space on the throw in.
Not to mention all the massive amounts of contact allowed in pretty much every offensive and defensive set, with or without the ball.
Even Over the back aka Push from Behind rarely gets called anymore unless you take the guy out.
Its all going to hell in a handbasket!!