Forward, middle and back ought to be enough, but too many managers, golf professionals and board members fall for the newest fad. Hybrid tees are all the rage for the craft beer swilling, beard tugging tee destroying post-millennial crowd.
Thanks. I feel better after venting.
What about forward and back tees, with a 1,000 yard separation, and a hybrid scorecard that sits in the middle in terms of yardage, rating, and slope? Not all courses need it, for sure, but it might reduce maintenance costs at certain places that we'd like to see get more attention. I think of Diamond Springs in Michigan as an example. My home course doesn't need it. My father's former home course in East Lothian, not a GCA favorite, would benefit from it. I agree, however, that extreme personalization of courses makes no sense. If a course has hybrid tees, it should be because the architect designed it that way, not because folk want to pick and choose to make it easier to score well.
Full disclosure: I enjoy a craft beer, but I also drink Hamm's, Miller Lite, and Yuengling (now that it has reached the Hoosier State.) I'm a real American, except that I'm not. I can't grow a beard, nor do I have a daft haircut. I only wear plaid shirts at Christmas. I do not own suspenders.