Thanks Pete, I wondered how long it would take for someone to post something....... since there's almost no classic or important gca in the area of note.
Per our neighbors in The Woodlands, which is 30 miles north of downtown, our homestead is dry, above any water flooded streets, our courses and most all in area are flooded from the creeks' overflows. Meanwhile, we're strategically located 1350 miles north in Mich., watching things like the rest of the country, figuring out a path home to avoid the rain that'll be hitting between the 30th-45th parallel... likely along Miss, Tenn. & Ohio river valleys.
Worried about Mike Nuzzo out on west side, especially as they let out water from the two big reservoirs, Addicks and Barker, into Buffalo Bayou, already filled... which you see flowing on north side of downtown pics
Imagine Wolf Point is completely under water, down coast...
Worried about Bill McB's son & family on south side in Clear Lake area ... and others of course
Folks are taught to run from the water, hide from the wind. Looks like many unfortunately reversed that advise, till too late.