The third article dates from June 30, 1915:
One Authority Calls it Greatest American Game, But, They Differ Widely.
Concerning the great American game, golf, one contributor recently had the following to say on golf, which must be weighed some: Golf has become America's national game. More American men play golf today than play baseball. The total number of men and women who play golf every day during the open season is greater than the total number of men and women who witness baseball games or play at baseball.
Golf is the real national game now because both sexes can and do play the game. Baseball gathered its devotes from the masculine ranks only. The only way an American woman could participate in a ball game was as a spectator.
Baseball is a game that the majority of Americans can play only until they are around 21. After that they quit the game as a regular form of exercise and pleasure, unless they go into the professional ranks. Baseball is too strenuous a game for any one who does not play regularly.
But golf is a game for all ages. The old man can play as well as the young. It is a muscle builder without being a muscle strainer. It gives one as much fresh air as baseball, and it keeps one healthy without submitting one to the terror of sore and aching muscles. And this imported game of golf was sneered at by the Americans less than ten years ago. Golf is a game for the poor as well as the rich. Those who could afford to play baseball can afford to play golf. It is not much more expensive. A set of golfing clubs, balls and other equipments do not cost very much more than a baseball uniform, a half dozen bats, spiked shoes and other pharphenalia.
There are in America today something like 600 golfing clubs allied with the United States Golf association. That represents a golf population of at least 500,000. But that is only a small portion of the standing army of golfers. In every city where there are public links there are tens of thousands of golfers not associated with golfing clubs. They play either on the public links or on the private links at the invitations of some friend who happens to be a member of the club that owns them.
Growth of Game.
In the Greater New York vicinity alone, it is estimated that there are 200,000 golfers. In New York state the grand total is somewhere around the 800,000 mark. Golf has a firm grip on the natives of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio, Illinois, California and some of the other big states in the union. It is estimated that Pennsylvania has at least 400,000 golfers within its confines - and the army is growing larger every day. There are at least 2,500,000 - probably 3,500,000 - golfers in America today. They may not play every day or every week but they are golfers just the same. Just as soon as the big cities in the country build more public links the golfing army probably will be increased by another 2,000,000. Golf of course, never will outshine baseball as a spectator's game. In baseball the spectator takes his seat and watches the game from the grandstand.
[Article truncated.]