Ev, I didn't find that was any highlight of my one time at Prairie Club and my one time piddling around the Horse course after real golf. I don't know what they spend to cut the greens and tees there (can't be that much) but the only thing I'd say is that it is a long way into town for post round excitement, and as a diversion for the guests, I guess it has a function. Yes, it is cute, clever, has some deft pitch shots and all. Gil designed it I guess, so it has GCA favorite son status and all. But, if I were paying the bills to maintain PC, I'm not sure I wouldn't put the expense in some other method to provide the guests with diversion. A fire pit or frisbee golf, or just one big alps putting green with putting games and entry fees and prizes might be cheaper to maintain, IMO.
Just from photos, having not been there to play, Sheep Ranch looks like a serious golfer's delight.