There's a municipal course in Des Moines, IA that sits on a wonderful property and is routed extremely well. The stretch from hole 2-8 is, topographically, about as good as anything I've played. The entire back 9 is really fantastic too.
Unfortunately, it's completely overgrown with trees and other vegetation. Iowa is very fertile, the course is over 100 years old, and RoundUp and chainsaws appear to have never been on the property. The result is some ridiculously choked playing corridors.
It also has very slow greens that are very flat, and the course conditioning tends to be fair at best.
It's probably not a Ferrari in a Soap Box Derby. Maybe more of a Nissan Maxima 4DSC. But there's a really good engine down there somewhere. Playing it now, you don't learn much about the car. But every now and then, when the plugs fire at just the right time, you'll see a bounce that makes you say "Whoa, that was cool," and you can imagine just how well it might run if only someone would put some new tires on, give it a tuneup, and put it into a real race.
A few pics: