I stand corrected on the round up amount, ithe six to eight gallons was per Hectacre so you need to divide by 2.5 and that was cut in half between the two applications. I know you can get to a point where the ltranslocation is lessened with more product and therefore the splitting into two applications. Ideally, I also agree with watiing another fourteen days and even better 21 days and make a thrd application but I have also seen sucsess where the club didnīt want to wait another twenty one days and they had good results and have pure tiif. Not so pure that if we went out there we wouldnīt find one single common bermuda plant but favorable results.
In Buenos Aires Golf and also a course called Martindale in Argentina that I consulted at the 419 has moved in flat areas and expanded about by about an average of six feet over a fifteen to twenty year time frame. Two clubs in Cordaba, one where Anegel Cabrera got his start, put plugs of tiff into there common fairways three years before my visit and fifteen years ago when I consulted there, the patches were definetly growing, not as fast as they would have liked but enlarging. I will look into if now after fifteen years they are predominatley tiff or not. I have not seen area where the tiff has been shrunk and the common enlarged. Just trying to share with you what I have seen.