Jim K-
Which are you deriding, "americanization" or capitalism? I have a hard time empathising with those who complain about the adoption of so called "American" values, methods, customs, etc. in other countries. These things can't be forced upon anybody unless they are willing to accept them. MacDonalds doesn't go to Oz and demand that each household spend a % of their income at their stores. As far as I know, playing a CCFAD is not mandatory. They are there because a substantial portion of the population want their products and voluntarily support them. Capitalism is hardly and American invention, and I am not sure that we have been its best practitioners. Though far from perfect, what our system does promote better than anywhere else is liberty and freedom. In this sense, we are the antithesis of the Taliban. And those who wish to deny free people their choices are their kin. The best way to stop MacDonalds and expensive daily-fee golf is not to support them. If you do, they'll go away, quickly.