This is from and is attributed to Jamie Dufner, posting under the name Miss Piggy
just a note about the delay on friday, so everyone has a clear idea of what happened. not that it matters much now 2 days latter, but it clears my name a little bit
had a 10ft putt on the 7th hole, as i placed the ball down it rolled away aprox 2ft. At that point i called a official over to make sure on the rule. was told to play it where it was, remarked the ball. Went to put the ball down again, rolled away another half a foot. The official saw it this time and got on his radio to report to whoever in the rules department about what was happening. Told to wait for another official to come over. Tell the next official what had just happened, he then gets on his radio to report what has happened to who i assumed was the central rules office. He then tells me to wait while they figure out what they want to do. 3-5 mins pass, the 2nd rules official then tells me to putt. i take 30 secs to putt, and miss. Then i have a 6 inch putt to tap in, as i go to stroke the ball, it is rocking back and forth, i turn and ask if that is considered a moving ball??? He tells me to mark and then proceeds to blow the horn 20 secs later to suspend play. At no point did i tell anyone i was not playing or that i refuse to play in these conditions. just wanted to clear the air with the real version of what had happened, instead of what tv or everyone else may have assumed to happen. i would never quit or tell a rules department when we should play or not play. and i did tell a reporter that the conditions were ridiculous , bc that is what they were. hope that clears a little up to all that have followed or commented on this topic. all the best to golfwrx followers. jason dufner