I've only played one truly bad golf course. It was like $15-$20 or something to play on a Wednesday afternoon and even at that price the value was piss poor. Common Bermuda wall to wall, the fairways were cut maybe once a week if that and the greens (which had multiple sprinkler heads on the interior of each green) were Stimping approximately zero. I believe they were cut every other day with the same mower used for the fairways.
There were literally flowering weed heads visible on numerous fairways and the bunkers were simply hollow pits from which the sand had long ago washed or been blown. The fairways were irrigated but the "rough" was not. So while the fairway grass was ankle deep in places, outside the irregular boundary of each sprinkler's throw was sandy hardpan with the occasional patch of Bahia Grass and plenty of tree roots.
To top it all off, we were playing after work on a mid-summer afternoon with temps in the upper 90's and there was no potable water on the property. None, zero. Apparently the city water had been cut off some years earlier and the owner had rejiggered the plumbing to flush the lone toilet with irrigation water from the course. We each purchased several bottles of Gatorade and made do until we could finish our round and get the hell out of there.