I've not played golf in Israel, but I've worked there several times. Explore the wines - they are not expensive there, and there are some excellent wines coming through from the Golan Heights, for example. Last time I was in Israel I was there on a Sabbath. I was staying in a very Jewish Hotel. They advised me not to eat in the restaurant that evening, but pointed out a little restaurant just down the road where I could even have pork sausages. I've never felt naughtier about eating a meal!
It reminds me of the story of the Jewish man who went on holiday to France. He was careful about what he ate, but he could not help but be impressed by the boars' heads served at table with an apple in their mouths. Judging by the way the locals tucked into this thing, he thought it must be the greatest delicacy of all. After several nights of careful dining he took the plunge and ordered a boar's head.
As he was awaiting the arrival of the boar's head, who should arrive in the restaurant than his Rabbi.
He dreaded the moment that the waiter would appear with a boar's head, complete with apple in the mouth, destined for him.
The Rabbi solved the problem immediately: 'What ingenious methods the French have of serving an apple!'