Thanks for the link Peter. I don't have time to look through all 324 pics at this time. But a couple things did strike me in the first 25 or so... 1. it is a pity how much the cart paths detract from the golf course. I know that a muni with so many rounds that tends to be soft most of the time needs cart paths (or go to a walking only and light personal carts for those that have physical issues...) But, the paths seem even more detracting than even the two times I played there several years ago. 2. I see the photographer is Eddie Meeks. Is he related or son of Tom Meeks. Frankly, from the photos I saw, if he is trying to show the course set up, he seems obscessed with things like 7 photos of the flag on 3, and corporate village, etc. He really didn't photograph the turf conditions and mowing scheme too well in the first several photos... I'll have to look at more when I get time...