Got up to PV today and finally got a look at the new back tee on # four. It's really good, and although I didn't hit a shot it appears at first blush to be a fabulous addtion to the golf course. The loopers were giving me the skinny on how far it plays in different wind conditions but not enough play yet to make too many conclusions.
We climbed up the hill behind the tee a little further to see what it would look like. I think they got it just about perfect, as any higher would make it look incongruous relative to the trees .
What might not happen from this tee is balls going thru the fairway , in that it's such a long run to the woods now. The angle of the tee shot has definitely changed , and to get it down to the bottom you'd have to hit a big running slider , or get as far left i the tee box as possible and lauch one over the trees on the corner, either way , it's definitely not a rescue tee shot now. As I told JES , I can't wait to bust one before I get too old , hope to get it past Rocky's knees ( "fat chance " LOL)