After the carnage of the past week's GD USA and Int'l list releases, many people have commented that lists of this type are by no means a true representation of quality. It has been an eye-opener for me, as someone who chose courses at times based on rankings, to see how certain "authoritative" lists can vary so wildly from others.
But at the same time, there are still references to certain lists being better than others. Other Aussies have previously recommended the Golf Australia Magazine top 50 list over the Australian Golf Digest top 100, and I noticed this morning Mark Chaplin put Golf World UK's British list forward as one that was a decent reference point for where certain courses stand. Others like to use
So what is your list that you stand by or refer to for a given country/region or the world? (the obvious answer for those who have played enough courses is "my own"). Or is comparing links with parkland, heathland and desert courses etc like comparing classical music with pop, rock, country and rap to make a list of the best musiicians across all genres (ie. a process best avoided)?