I couldn't go this year and watching it on tv was nowhere near as enjoyable as being there - though is it ever?
I last went in 2006 and the kids really made the par 3 contest a special afternoon. I loved being there and seeing the guys with their kids. I believe that most everyone there enjoyed it as well, there was just too many smiling faces.
My friend who was with me used to be Tom Lehman's caddy back in the early 90's on the Hogan Tour and we had the opportunity to chat with Capt. Lehman, his son and Tom's wife Melissa after they walked off the 9th green (after Jim Gray finished interviewing him). It was pretty neat, since the last time we'd seen them in person was in 1996, walking with Melissa on the back 9 on Sunday at Oakland Hills, when young Thomas Andrew was a year old.