I was playing the Burnham Saturday Stableford and was cruising along comfortably with 23 points after 10 holes. On the 11th I drove into the fairway bunker tight to the face. I took a mighty blow, but left the ball embedded in the stacked sod face of the bunker. Here is where it gets interesting.
I claimed that the stacked face was not actually part of the bunker and that I was entitled to a free drop as my ball was embedded/plugged because we were playing winter rules. The two chaps I was playing with said the wall of the bunker is indeed the bunker and if I wanted to call the ball unplayable (which it certainly was) then I would have to take a penalty and drop in the bunker. The plot thickens.
I get out the R&A Rules of golf and look up the definition of bunker.
"A bunker is a hazard consisting of prepared area of ground, often a hollow, from which turf or soil has been removed and replaced with sand or the like.
Grass-covered ground bordering or within a bunker including a stacked turf face (whether grass-covered or earthen), is not part of the bunker. A wall or lip of the bunker not covered with grass is aprt of the bunker.
etc etc."
I called the face of the bunker stacked turf and the other two called the face a wall. I could see a case for both and then thought since I am not disproved then I should be allowed a free drop. Still no go - outvoted 2-1. I am now laying 3 in the bunker and score nil point on a shot hole - that is the end of my run and I finish with a lowly 33 points. Not bad considering the conditions of the day, but not even close to a winning total.
Setting aside that a ball should never plug in the face of a stacked sod bunker and I do think it was because they were just re-built. Perhaps the club should have declared this type situation a free drop until the bunkers are settled in so angry golfers don't take a few swipes at a a new face of the bunker! In any case, I wasn't about to tear up the face of the bunker which was just repaired. Believe me, I was in the state of mind that wanted to have a few hacks at it!
Who is right?
Finally, why can't one take a penalty drop from a bunker? A bunker is classed as a hazard so whats the story? Why no dropping?
Finally, finally, the most disappointing thing of all is that I let this incident get to me and wreck what still should have been a competitve score regardless of a blob.