Having played your course several times, and paired with high handicappers (though myself I am a lower handicapper) I think it is safe to say that Morgan Creek, IN GENERAL, is one of the tougher courses in the area. I've never heard that your course "sucks" but even I believe it to be a tougher, challanging course.
I think the real issue there, as well as at other courses here locally such as Granite Bay, Whitney Oaks, and perhaps Turkey Creek, is that there exists some serious native areas or housing bordering the holes. In comparison to other tracks such as Woodcreek, Sierra View or Diamond Oaks, where fairways paralell each other and there is alot of open space, your course plays more difficult for the higher handicappers because they tend to lose more balls because of how irradic their tee shots can be.
Also, the speeds and contours of your greens (which I enjoy by the way) can often prove very difficult for the higher handicapper, or any golfer who only plays golf on an occasional basis and may be out of touch with their putting feel.
By no means does this make your course "suck". Be proud you have a home track that caters more to the adament, regular and passionate golfers and not your local four-round-a-year hack.