Andrew: Don't you think left of #6, right of #7, right of #9, right of #11, left and right of 12, left on #14 and #16 will come into play? With the rough and trees if you hit it in any of those spots you're probably looking at double.
Joel -
With the length of the modern golfer, many of these holes might not even require a driver off the tee.
On 6, the treeline is 30 yards left of the center of the fairway ...
On 7, I would think that the trees on the left might impact a shot from the fairway but the trees on the right would impact a poorly struck shot.
On 9 with a prevailing wind, 3-wood might be the play for some of the contestants to prevent the tee ball from running through the fairway on the left. I don't see the trees on the right as being an issue at all.
On 11, like 6, the treeline is 20-yards or so from the center of the fairway. They have already pinched in the fairway on the left moving that treeline that much farther away. That one low hanging tree on the left side will come into play for those in the left rough.
On 14, the treeline has been pushed back a ways but if you hug the left edge of the fairway, you may have to curve the ball a tad if you are in the left edge of the fairway. I think many contestants would aim right center of the fairway with a 3-wood to get a level lie for their second shot.
On 16, yes, there is trees will come into play if your tee ball is out of position or your layup doesn't carry far enough around the corner.