...and is found under Architecture Timeline and Courses by Country.
In contrast to the man himself, Ran's golf game is rather modest.
Therefore it has always amazed that two of his five or six favourite courses are two of their country's toughest tests. Part of that probably has to do with what great match play courses Oakmont and Royal County Down are.
Like George Crump, it is no surprise that the three men most responsible for Oakmont (H.C. Fownes, W.C. Fownes and Emil Loeffler) were all excellent golfers.
In the Pine Valley/Merion mould, Oakmont's architecture is so unique as it was the concentrated effort of each architect's work. I believe, this originality is why the course remains remarkably fresh each time one plays it. It is also a stark difference with many of today's architects who might design 20+ courses.
Given Oakmont's elite standing in American golf over the last century, isn't it more amazing that more of its features have not been copied (and I am not talking about the Church Pews at courses like Tour 18 and Wooden Sticks