The first of the par 5's (if you don't count the second). A mirror of the original 14th forces a decision on the first shot instead of the 3rd.
I'm not sure which green the links trust will have us playing to. The red flag is the one it should be but the white is the safer choice as discussed in Jeremy's opinion piece.
Blind Drive. Elysian fields is straight over the bunker.
Elysian Fields. I neglected to photograph the landing zone for the alternative drive but you can see the drop off to the right at the edge of this picture.
A view of the green from the middle of the fields.
And the danger on a direct line to the green.
The alternative 2nd shot landing zone for us shorter hitters. Past the spectactles and onto the plateau. If you go a little too far there is a large swale between the plateau and the green
The abundant green.