It is funny that you ask, because the last two years the numbers have gotten higher. This year will be a good indicator because of the quality of the field. Last year after the 1st round 150-152 looked like the cut line, but as the day wore on it got all the way up to 155 and I believe that was due to the golf course getting firm. Also I have never played it under silly conditions. Bador's(is that the correct spelling?) craziest year had to be the year after Bob Lewis shot 64 in the qualifier. I believe it took 81 or 83 to make the 1st flight that year.
With the new tees it requires you to hit driver more and I believe brings more missed fairways into play. When I play the regular tees I hit two drivers #9 & # 16 (keep in mind I am not that long, especially compared to Sully and McDermott), when I go to the back tees, I am hitting drivers on five holes (add 7, 13 & 18 to the above list), but I am also hitting longer clubs into 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, & 18 which adds to the scoring difficulty.
The biggest difference in the playability of the golf course from everyday play to Crump play is the firmness that PV wants for the Crump. If they get it the way they like it, your targets become alot smaller. Since there is really no rough to speak out at PV any ball that has movement on it will head towards the edges of the fairways and if you run out of room you will end up in the scrub and most likely have to pitch out. The 2nd hole is probably the biggest example of this.
Meanwhile your approach shots into greens become alot harder. The holes that have forced carrys get very interesting as well as the edges of the greens always seem to run away from you (# 1 is a perfect example of this).
After this year's Club Championship Chris Lange made a comment about how hard the golf course is to make a score on when you know you have to.
To me the golf course will always play its hardest during the Crump. For everyday play the greens are usually very receptive and the speeds are very puttable, but in the Crump everything changes and it is always a great test of golf.