Hey Andrew C,
I like that style of bunkering that you showed in the Kinston Heath photo. Below are a couple photos of a bunker at the Otago Golf Club in New Zealand that I really like. The style is very similar to that at Kinston Heath is seems (smallish size, high flashes, lots of skinny fingers going into the bunkers). Do you know if that particular style is more common in Australia/NZ?
This bunker has those same high flashes that make it visible from a long way away and the skinny fingers that dip into it to give it that cool textured look.

It seems like it wouldn’t require a lot of earth moving because the soil was only really pushed up beside the green, and on the edge of the fairway in the case of your photo. It seems like in both photos there was very little effort to blend the contours of the bunkers into the rest of the hole. I don’t know if that is because these are older courses and the cost of moving soil was too much or that was the desired look they wanted but either way, I think it looks really sharp.

Eric: thanks for the photos