I've got a free day in Boston on a company trip coming up in July and I'm contemplating bringing the sticks along for the ride (I fly in on a red-eye and arrive at around 5 in the morning, with my first commitment that evening in the 8 range)
Waverly Oaks has been suggested as a possible candidate, but I wasn't overly enthused with what I've read elsewhere about it or the price/quality ratio it represents.
I'm finding a general scarcity of good public golf in the immediate area, and I am wondering if anyone knows of any either less notable but still worthy layouts, or something within hailing distance that presents a better quality for dollars ratio than Waverly for a Thursday foray onto the links.
Looking for something that's either T-convenient, or worth renting a car for.
Franklin Park was also suggested, but I'm also told that if I walk to the course with a nice set of clubs on my back, there's a reasonable chance I may never even make it to the clubhouse both with my clubs and without any cuts or bruises.