Take another read of David's last bit about Bay Harbor, if you would. These are the Hills antics that so frustrate me, I have been fortunate to play a lot of great clubs and courses, not by some standards, but I would say a lot. The thing is, i love to play a great golf course, love it, but most of friends to do not belong to a great club and most of my opportunities to play the great or really good golf courses in our country come from having a low enough handicap and a great willingness to travel(by car) to see them. After reading what you have read about Hills, would you want him to design Bay Harbor if we could do it all over? My friend has a cottage up there and we could go all the time, but no, the place sucks. Longaberger is only 2 hours away, but the place sucks. I feel robbed, some will say that I am whining, but I feel that Hills owes the golf world A LOT more. The owners of these golf courses owe us a lot more. David is comparing the property to Whistling and Bay Harbor is the 35th best public course, that is a travesty!!!!