West Bend CC in Wisconsin.
Juniors ONLY every tuesday morning in season. Members must wait till noon to tee off.
They have different categories, depending on age/ability - 18 holers all the way down to one holers. Pros give short lessons/talks and then they go play. Parents chaperon where needed.
Mike - do you find that this setup creates animosity from the members toward the juniors?
Could such an arrangement in the name of access backfire in that the junior players who take advantage of the generous offer are the object of scorn by the membership at large?
Are the times regularly ALL filled by juniors - if there are empty slots, are members then allowed to play or is noon a brick-wall that cannot be crossed?
What about May/September where kids are in school?
This is an extremely interesting issue to me, being not too far removed from the world of cheap green fees and disapproving members, but now being in the world of shaking my head at the young'uns who show up with un-tucked shirts, skater shoes, cell phones, and general tom-foolery.