Martin - the funny thing is it's not all that long ago that I was pretty evangelical the other way... that is telling David M. or Dan K. to lighten up about all of this, it's all good, just fun golf, etc.
People say no one ever admits they are wrong in here.
Jeez I seem to do it all the time.
So not to make this too maudlin, but consider the recent months my road to Damascus. Who better to evangelize than a former leader of the sinners?
In any case, as you may know I have a cousin who lives in Norther Ireland and he's there to stay. He's on me on a monthly basis to make the same move. Oh would that it were all about golf, or all about me, and I didn't have a wife and kids so tied to the Bay Area....
Oh well. Better to count one's blessings. Although our golf is way too expensive, it does remain pretty nice here.