Let me take one last stab at this and I'll shut up.A tour pro on a flat moderately difficult course will get a lot of looks at the pin with 8 iron or less.Add the rest of their game to it and its 62 on good day and 69 on a bad one.If I am having a good day I will hit 11 or 12 greens and at best shoot 73 or 74.I don't have a chance.Now,consider the hilly,tough course.The pros birdie looks on his bad day go down and his range of scores moves from 65 to75.Now,on my good day I may hit 9 greens and still get my 75,or I may shoot 86.I wouldn't bet on my rusty game,but my odds are better.In scenerio one I have no chance,which is tough for an unrealistic person like me to admit.