Greetings from Snowy Cleveland...
At the risk of becoming the "stat boy" for GCA, I'll throw out some more budget numbers to put this discussion in context. These are all 2003 numbers from U.S. courses in a survey done when I was at Golfdom plus some extrapolations from the 2005 circulation statements of Golf Course News and other industry pubs. These figures do not include capital spending (remodeling, projects, etc.), just typical maintenance spending for goods and labor.
Average Maintenance Budget: $485,000
Labor as a percentage of Budget: 53%
Courses with Budgets Under $250,000: 40%
Courses with Budgets Over $750,000: 20%
Courses with Budgets Over $1,000,000: 9%
If you analyze a bit, you'll find that only about 3,400 courses have budgets over $750k and only 1,600 or so are over the $1 million mark.
The typical $1 million budget facilities are private clubs in the Northeast, multi-course facilities (27 holes or more) and high-end clubs/resorts/CCFADs in year-round golf areas.
There are many, many excellent facilities in shorter-season golf areas that have budgets of around $600,000 or even less. A good superintendent with a good staff and a decent piece of land can work wonders with a relatively small budget. I've never seen good statistics on international budgets so I can't speak to that. Obviously, they're usually much lower but I think that's been changing quickly over the past 20 years as American-style maintenance has caught on in Europe, Asia and South America.
Hope that helps put things in context.
By the way, I'd encourage GCA users to check out Golf Course News. I'm writing a column for GCN (along with Jeff Brauer and several other notable folks) and the magazine is excellent. Most of the content is online at
I also work as a strategic marketing consultant with several industry companies and serve as the host of Superintendents' Video Magazine, which is a cool DVD production sent out three times a year.
Thus ends the update...back to shoveling my driveway.