First of all, click on the "Feature Interview" section of this website and read both parts of Scott Anderson's interview.
That's the kind of thing it'll take to get back to sane course conditioning, particularly on the older classic courses that were designed for less immaculate and basically saner course conditioning.
Will the kind of initiative Scott is looking for and trying to do something about make it this time? I think it will. I think this time it's gonna break through and start to pick up notice and converts and start to roll. It's time is here, I think.
Is it for everyone---for all courses? Probably not, matter of fact of course not, but that's not the point---the point is there're enough paying atttention now and a whole lot more in the wings. Why? Because enough golfers are beginning to see the results of it on golf courses and some pretty impressive ones too.
Is there resistance to it amongst golfers because of the love of lush green and immaculateness that we often see on TV? Sure, there has been for years but that too is changing. Perhaps the most serious opposition to it will come from the US or even world-wide golf agronomic industry. We're talking a multi-billion dollar industry here. Are they going to defend their business and their markets? Of course they will.
But I don't think they'll be so successful this time because the word is getting out. The modern golf agronomic industry is built on constant remediation and it's increasing. Some of us are calling a lot of modern golf agronomy and agronomics the "emergency ward". Some of this grass out there needs every kind of chemical and constant remediaton imaginable. Over-irrigation does not help--it hurts. The irony is---unlike human beings in an "emergency ward" who look terrible many golfers actually think golf grass looks good because (it's so lush) but that's too often what it looks like just before it completely tucks-tail and totally craps out on you.
Scott believes that golf agronomists have almost completely forgotten what Nature itself can do for the health of grass, even golf's somewhat specialized grass, if you just allow Nature the time to do what it can do, and always has.
The good new which obviously the multi-billion dollar golf agronomy industry does not wannt to hear and does not want us to hear is what Nature both can and does do in this way if you let it---is basically FREE!
More later, and I'm gonna put Scott's number on your IM. Call him---Mike DeVries did!