Your arrogance has incited me in the past and after this I will not be forthcoming with any further comments about you. I will disregard you in the future as it is best not to say something if I can't say anything nice.
But I've never meant for any of this to be personal. I can and do distinguish you as a person and you as a golf analyst. On the first issue I don't feel anything negative towards you nor did I say anything personal except once. On the second, your high and mighty self-image I do take exception to. I can stand Matt Ward the person but I cannot stand Matt Ward the beligerent know-it-all. You may not see it but you put down everybody that disagrees with you subtly or overtly. I guess I am prone to doing it only overtly.
You basically told Brian (I don't know him at all) who plays the course regularly that he needs a fresh perspective to clarify his habituated viewpoint. That takes some gonads. You systematically belittle anyone else's point of view that doesn't match your own and your sole evidence is the breadth of courses you've seen. That is complete BS! Why can't Brian know what he's talking about. He sure as heck knows the result of a wider variety of shots under differrent conditions on that course than you do. When he contradicted your view with empirical results, you find a way to discount these as well. Facts have no room in your view if they don't support your conclusions. And yet you seek to inform/influence people with your conclusions. They are one man's thoughts and leave room for others that may disagree. When the other is someone that knows the course better than you--by the way, you yourself think highly of the number of experience, I think he deserves to be heard and not blithely discounted.
Getting off my old duff. You are trite. I may be contributing to the record of golf in a far different way than you; a legitimate academic exercise in the life and work of William Flynn. Do you really have the balls to think because I sit at a computer and see mostly classic courses in that pursuit that it pales in comparison to your dillettentish ways? I'd rather be part of the definitive understanding of one man's work than see 2000 courses and write superficial accounts and rankings. But I don't begrudge you your pastime. Have at it. Aggrandize yourself and your endeavors but do you always have to put someone else down to do so?
"Wayne -- don't prove the fact that useless or gutter filled invective opinions is only half your equation -- oblivious to anything but Philadelphia area golf and William Flynn is the second part."
I think you should have a better understanding and perhaps appreciation for those others that work hard at something in the realm of your interest even if it is at a computer. Let's see you research and put together a 250,000 word text on anything to do with a subject in golf. I think this 5-year and counting endeavor would daunt you. It would certainly cut into the number of courses you take such pride in seeing. And for what end and whose benefit?
Maybe if you knew some of the other projects I'm working on in golf you might have an informed opinion of what I do on or off my duff. I don't bother to tell you because I could care less if you know. But it certainly makes you look foolish in your ignorance for those that do know. I think you'd have a different take on your criticisms. But then again, it isn't your tendency to find out much that is factual.
Gutter-filled invective? Where? I called you a pompous ass once. I think I should have refrained from the use of the term but it isn't altogether inaccurate. Oh, by the way, I don't have to see either Greywalls or the Kingsley Club to feel this way and see errors in your thinking.
Oblivious to golf outside of Philadelphia and Flynn. You are a small-minded man and you constantly prove this.
And at last you bring up the old reliable Philadelphia bashing. The last act of a desperate play by a desperate playwrite. You have no idea who I am or what my affinities are in sports or in greater aspects of life are. You should be ashamed for being so ignorant yet decided. Again, if you have to say Philly (not Phillie) please spell it correctly. Just so you know I have been a lifelong Phillies, Eagles, Flyers, Sixers and Big 5 fan.
If there are plenty of people on this site that think of me as someone who should be in the corner of a classroom with a duncecap on, let them. They are entitled and I don't care; let them shake their heads. Maybe there are more than you think, but perhaps there are less, far less. The ones I know and regard are either fooling me or disagreeing with you. I think I know the answer to that.