With golf in most of the NW, you are going to get big trees and a lot of them. It happens, and a lot of people like it that way. Not the treehouse per se, but the people that live here. With the exception of a couple of holes (11 comes to mind), do you think that the trees really come into play? Nowhere near as much as say Sahalee. To me they frame the holes more than anything else
As far as a golf course, I think it is a very good, walkable members course that can play very difficult. Is it Top 100, maybe not, but before there was Bandon, Eugene was the undisputed King of Oregon. Sometimes that lingers with the raters and it affects the rankings. The USGA loves the place (2008 Womens Am will be there), so maybe that plays into it as well.
For me, once you get out of the Top 50 or so, 51 to 300 isn't that much of a difference, and I would say it's in there somewhere.