If it gives mr prissy an exact yardage in 3 seconds how's that make the game slower?
More expensive, yes, but explain slower to me. I am all for fast, faster, fasteset - these things are point shoot and read IF there are reflectos on the pin.
Because the slowpokes won't shoot just the pin and they won't do it in 3 seconds.
Well then, let's just cut their balls off.
Actually slow play is such an interesting thing, another thread will be posted on that.
No, if don't mutilate some of the guys at my club for their dinking around now (about 4:50 seems to be a "normal" pace for a lot of people...in carts, usually) then I'm not going medieval on them if they tack on another 10-15 minutes playing with a rangefinder.
I was just pointing out that whether one likes them or not and whether the Rules allow them or not, the effect of rangefinders on
actual pace of play at a golf course will be a net slowdown regardless of their impact
in theory on an individual golfer's pace. That's all.