I wish the aerial could show severity of terrain better.
But, other than the road crossing, I don't see one area that is more than a pitching wedge
from one green to the next tee as the crow flies. Some are less than the greens dimensions apart.
I do know that my cousin who has MS deer hunts by taking out a little one man scooter
in more rugged terrain than BB appears.
Sometimes I think that authority and frequent users protect their dominians a little more stridently
than common sense dictates.
I think a smart GCA like Jeff B., would figure out these obstacles in short order and make access reasonably possible,
perhaps not totally. But then again, I don't think anyone is going to make our policeman friend a scratch golfer either.
I can't prove it, but I'd bet that if someone first went to the policeman and asked him what could they do to help him out,
he'd have yielded plenty of common sense compromise.
If they get some of these lawyers who use these arguements as full employment acts
into the minutia and nitpicking, well it may not turn out so good or reasonable in the common sense sort of approach.
I can't prove any of that, and I could be wrong...