Alright, Pete Buczkowski has politely urged me to start a thread regarding...the psychology of the green fee.
With a green fee of, say, $ "Golf Course X" (we'll let you decide where you want it to be) and assuming that you've never paid anything like this before, at least for a round of golf...
do you anticipate playing a golf course which you will be able to recall with vivid memory each and every one of the holes?
do you anticipate stepping off the 18th hole, and although slightly smug after shooting perhaps the worst round of the year, revell in the fact that you got to play "this course"? (whatever course you envision, again, I'll leave that up to you).
do you anticipate being perhaps slightly disappointed, perhaps expecting just a little too much, because of paying such a high green fee?
do you expect, perhaps demand, that playing conditions be perhaps the best you have ever played on?
do you expect to see strategic elements on this course, that you just have not found on any other course to date?
what do you expect?