I am bumping this back up to the top, as the event is now one week away. I have just spoken to the co-ordinator and there are a handful of spots still available in the event. The specifics are as listed above--FWIW, the forecast for next Tuesday at the club is for low 60's and mostly sunny--no rain in sight.
Additional details; check-in is at 9.30am, the shotgun begins at 11am. There is a brief cocktail hour afterwards, followed by sit-down buffet dinner, during which there is a small auction. The event is expected to be concluded by 7pm.
This seems to be an exceptional opportunity to see Myopia Hunt at its peak, and for a worthwhile cause to boot. Again, in the interest of disclosure, I have no presonal stake in the Special Olympics tournament or charity, other than several of us GCA'ers are playing and it would be great to see more of us there...
Please contact Deb McGuire, tournament co-ordinator, immediately for more information (617-27-2300).