Once again there seems to be a flaw in the premise.
If the Tour was interested in keeping these venues pristine and original, I think that this rolling back the ball idea, would have been the path taken. But, since they have chosen not to, and going low is associated with excitment, and since they are in the entertainment industry, the expenditures to destroy (alter), especially ANGC, just goes to show that they don't get it.
It, being eloquently put by our own esteemed contributor, Gib Pazarian, when at our recent outing at PG and raising his first glass at the tap room he uttered the toast,"Does it ever need to be more than that". Implying, that like the game itself, the simplicity of design is all that is needed to challenge and test, while simutateously entertaining and enhancing everyones enjoyment.
Gib- I have thought abought your offer to turn me into a 5 handicap and I can honestly say that I have no desire to become one. I think I can best describe my attitude this way: In the book "Golf in the Kingdom" I only quote that spoke to me. I found the toast that Mr. Irons serves up as my approach. " F#%K our ever getting better" This attitude has served me well as I have never tried but have done so, naturally.