Without being judgemental as to who is correct in their position on this topic, I think that it is important to recognize that there actually are some clubs where women are EQUAL to the male members. A good example of one is Southward Ho Country Club on Long Island. It's golf course was designed by Tillinghast so that immediately tells you it has a good lineage. An example of how equal the club is when it comes to male and female members, they had a female member who served on the Board for about 5-6 years as the CHAIRMAN (ironic title) of the Green Committee. In fact, she had wanted to move on to another committee, but the board recognized that her work as Chairman of the Green Committee was so good, that they kept convincing her that she was the BEST person for the job and the club needed her to continue in that capacity. She would finally step down from that position when she became PRESIDENT of the Club.
During her tenure she oversaw the restorative renovation of the golf course, not only making certain that the work done was true to the original Tillinghast design, but that all members, regardless of age or gender. would be able to play the course within their own limitations and still enjoy it. She is but one of a number of similar examples of women members at clubs who have served on both Green Committees and Boards and had a great deal of input into how the course best served the needs of all who played there of whom I know.