Quick reminder, something iconic isn't always a mark of quality or positive association. The Hindenburg, Titanic and the Ford Pinto all come to mind.
Not to say that Sentry World is iconic in the least. Just a reminder that icons come in all shapes and sizes.
Now on to my thoughts about Sentry World. As it's a strange one for me as I think it's the best example of how much one can do to promote a midding golf course with window dressing.
I spend a lot of time hanging around the Midwest and every time I come across someone that has played here. I have taken to asking them about it as I am curious. Once I have asked the question the talk turns to the quality/interesting snack stations, the locker rooms, and of course the immaculate landscaping.
This seems very much intentional by the owners as they are more concerned with creating an experience than having a world-class golf course. That's not wrong per se, it is just not what I look for in a golf experience. But, I am not the target market for this as it is really an amenity for Sentry Insurance for them to snag high-end clients and as a perk for their executive team. When looked at it through this lens I think it accomplishes its goals rather well. As to do that the golf doesn't need to be world-class. It merely needs to be inoffensive.
So iconic no, but maybe a curiosity at best.